Quartier Landy France et Pleyel

Ouvrage d'artUrban design
Plaine Saint-Denis
Carta - Reichen et Robert Associates - Quartier Landy France et Pleyel

Landy France district
Urban-design study including development scenarios, planning and specification and development of intangible architectural and urban elements associated with the chosen development approach. Coordination of architects and integration of the various projects into the urban concept.

Landy Pleyel district
Architecture-urban design commission for a ZAC in the northwest zone of the Landy Pleyel operation in Saint-Denis for the final packages and work to be undertaken on the ZAC.
Blocks ZC5 and 15/15 bis, Rue Fraizier.
Studies to be conducted:
Connection of the crossing structure at the Place aux Etoiles;
“Croiseur” building

Studies : 2020

Architecture-urban design commission for a ZAC (mixed development zone)

Project Owner
SEM Plaine Commune Développement

Project Supervision
Architects - urban-design coordinators for the ZAC: Reichen et Robert & Associés
Landscaping: RB&Cie for Landy France

Landy France district
Perimeter: 30 ha
Landy Pleyel district
Perimeter: ZC5: 55,000 m²
15/15 bis, Rue Fraizier: 1,763 m²

Reichen et Robert & Associés

Carta - Reichen et Robert Associates - Synthese R&R-plan masse-A0- 1000.jpg
Carta - Reichen et Robert Associates - 1554LAF_20180405-PLAN MASSE.jpg
Carta - Reichen et Robert Associates - 1554LAF_Vue Camile M 01.jpg
Carta - Reichen et Robert Associates - RR&A_ZAC Sud -projet.jpg