Strategic site of the Greater Montpellier SCoT (territorial coherence programme).
Prospective study of urban renewal around the Route de la Mer axis. The project is part of the Montpellier Éco-Cité project.
In 2009 the project was selected from among the 13 French Éco-cités and we have been working since that date to transform and renew these commercial territories.
Studies :
Urban design commission
Route de la Mer study: 2006
Route de la Mer eco-city: 2009
Coordinating architect, Ode Acte 1 ZAC (mixed development zone): 2010
Study for the development and renewal of the “Route de la Mer”: in progress
Project Owner
Société d'Aménagement de l'Agglomération de Montpellier
Project Supervision
Reichen et Robert & Associés
Landscaping: Alfred Peter
Perimeter: 250 ha redesigned
1,081,037 m² total net floor area
Existing businesses, including 50% restructured: 200,000 m²
Offices and economic activities: 75,000 m² | Facilities: 40,000 to 50,000 m²
New housing (including 30% subsidised housing): 6,000 to 8,000 m²
Environmental certification (HQE): Éco-cité
Kaupunki, Platform