“Le patrimoine industriel au prisme de nouveaux défis” (“The industrial heritage through the prism of new challenges”), Marina Gasnier

Carta - Reichen et Robert Associates - “Le patrimoine industriel au prisme de nouveaux défis” (“The industrial heritage through the prism of new challenges”), Marina Gasnier

“Usages économiques et enjeux environnementaux” (“Economic uses and environmental issues”)
Marina Gasnier

“This work deals with the process of conversion of the industrial heritage, especially sites intended for new economic uses...
It proposes to the reader a new way of ‘seeing’ the industrial patrimony at the service of territorial development and the environmental transition..“

The book is abundantly illustrated by projects from Reichen et Robert & Associes, among others: Techn'hom in Belfort, the Nestlé site in Noisiel, Lisi and Selectarc in Grandvillars, Seine Innopolis at Le Petit-Quevilly, the Cité du Cinéma in Saint-Denis, the Intercommunal de l'Union site in Roubaix.

©Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté - 2018
collection “Les Cahiers de la MSHE Ledoux”

Work published in collaboration with Tadem, a semi-public company in Belfort, sponsor of the research, and the FEMTO-ST/RECITS (UMR6174) laboratory at the Belfort-Montbéliard technology university

01 January 2018